Name: Klaas
Nickname: The Headschnitzel
Function: Owner & Creative
Working at Fjuze since: the beginning
About Fjuze:

I think our culture is very open. No boundaries. I also believe that this can be seen in our work. A close-knit team that always pushes the boundaries together and prefers to go over them a little bit, just enough to improve the end-result.

Sanne about Klaas:

Klaas really thinks out of the box and sometimes comes up with things that seem impossible. And yet, somehow, what he has in mind always works out.

Name: Robbie
Nickname: Chef Certainty
Function: Co-owner & Executive Producer
Working at Fjuze since: the beginning
About Fjuze:

I often lay awake thinking about the things we have come up with. We do not have a product, but we keep creating things that do not exist yet. Sometimes that is pretty scary.

Gabriëlle about Robbie:

Robbie thinks of all 100 things that could go wrong and anticipates on them. If we did not have him, a lot of things would not have gone right at once.

Name: Sandra
Nickname: The Queen "B", uhh "S"
Function: Co-owner, Projectleader & Creative
Working at Fjuze since: 2018
About Fjuze:

We do not settle for average or good. When a client tells us “well done”, we could cry. That is not an option, it must be fantastic or nothing at all.

Klaas about Sandra:

Sandra is our critical and perfectionistic note, but in a pleasant way, which always makes everything better. As she can bring creativity and production together, she is always that one step ahead.

Name: Gabriëlle
Nickname: De Backstage Boss
Function: Producer
Working at Fjuze since: 2020
About Fjuze:

One day Klaas will come up to me asking for 30 pink camels with lamps on them. But even things that seem impossible, we will fix. We just do it, one way or another.

Sandra about Gabriëlle:

We would all be starving, not have a roof over our heads, and without materials if it weren’t for Gab. She ensures that everyone is taken care of as good as possible, so they can perform to their fullest.

Name: Gioia
Nickname: The Campaign Commander
Function: Brand Manager
Working at Fjuze since: 2018 as intern, then producer, now back since 2023, but basically never left.
About Fjuze:

For us, the final result is so important, that even if it means that we have to stay awake for three nights in a row changing something, we will do it. People say that we are crazy, but because we do it together, it is not such a big deal. I find it very special to be a part of what we do.

Robbie about Gioia:

Just let Gi do it. Then it will definitely work out and it will work out well. She just has a way with people.

Name: Sanne
Nickname: The Production-tiger
Function: Producer
Working at Fjuze since: 2022 as a freelancer
About Fjuze:

Fjuze is the only company I know that is so small but does such big things. That is really due to the close-knit team and the people they have around them.

Gioia about Sanne:

Whatever you say to Sanne or ask her, the answer always is: “I will fix it”. And then that is exactly what she does, always.

Name: Hans
Nickname: The Commissioner
Function: Strategic Advisor, former CEO of Visa Europe
Working at Fjuze since: the beginning
About Fjuze:

Whenever I walk into Fjuze’s office, my spirits get lifted by the creative energy and uninhibited youthful enthusiasm.

The team about Hans:

Hans regularly visits Fjuze to bring us back down to earth and to help determine and maintain the right business strategy. It is always slightly nerve-wracking when he comes by, because with all his experience he can easily wipe our plans and dreams off the table.