Fjuze (own event)

The Color Run™

After six years, the Haarijnseplas in Utrecht turned into all the colours of the rainbow during the very last edition of the most fun and colorful run of the planet: The Color Run™! During this Superhero Tour we completed the most colorful kilometers of our life for the last time with our Color Family like true heroes. Nike Trainer Lars Schuijling and DJ Gilton Franklin provided an awesome warm-up, so all our runners were ready to start the 5K or 10K parkour. Along the way the runners were immersed in all the colors of the rainbow in the various color zones and were welcomed as true heroes at the finish line where they received their much-wanted unicorn medal. Once back at the festival site, the party started with DJ Amir Charles & MC Mavis and DJ Joshua Walter & MC Larz. Of course, the party would not be complete without some massive color-throwing moments, with the special FINAL massive color-throwing of our entire Color Family topping it all off.

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YearSeptember 2018
LocationHaarrijnseplas, Utrecht

Alle kleuren van de regenboog

Onderweg werden zij in de verschillende kleurenzones ondergedompeld in alle kleuren van de regenboog om vervolgens bij de finish als ware helden te worden onthaald en hun felbegeerde UNICORN-medaille in ontvangst te nemen. Eenmaal terug op het festivalterrein barstte het feest los met DJ Amir Charles & MC Mavis en DJ Joshua Walter & MC Larz.

Massale kleurengooi-momenten

Natuurlijk was het feest niet compleet zonder een aantal te gekke massale kleurengooi-momenten, met als klap op de vuurpijl, de speciale ALLERLAATSTE massale kleurengooi van onze gehele Color Family.

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